Who founded Lonvest?
How does Lonvest work?
How can I create an investor account?
How do I transfer money to my account?
How can I withdraw my funds?
What is the story behind the platform?
Requirements for customers Who can sign up on Lonvest?
How is Lonvest different from other platforms? (Why would investors choose Lonvest over other competitors?)
How does the company mitigate risks for investors?
What is the historic default rate of the platform?
Is the platform regulated and supervised by any financial authority?
Lonvest was founded by Roman Katerynchyk – a fintech entrepreneur with a decade of success in building businesses and innovative products across EU Ukraine, Poland and SEA Mexico with more than 5M users worldwide.
Roman has been involved in the IT industry for 16 years, with a significant portion of that time focused on fintech.
Lovinčićeva street, 3, Zagreb, Croatia